Sunday, 24 June 2012

Why are paedophiles allowed to live outside of jail?

I've been thinking, where I live there are at least three families with children under the legal age of consent. All three of these families are next door to a paedophile. I've informed the police about this sex offender several times, yet still they allow him to live in an area with children. Why is this allowed? Why are paedophiles allowed to live outside of secure units? Shouldn't they be locked away where they can't do any harm.

These are the ordeals I've had to endure over the last decade, I don't see how they're 'harmless' as the police have said. I've not even had anything that bad, I know of people who have been raped by paedophiles, they've had their lives destroyed by them, now wouldn't it be better to banish them somewhere they can't hurt other people? Or better yet, give them to firing squads.

When I was a small child, probably around eight or nine, he used to always call me over to the fence, he'd make comments about how I was "growing nicely" and "developing as a woman" I thought it was weird at the time, but none of us knew he was a paedophile. He used to give me sweets, and things as well, which I accepted, but now I regret it. It wasn't until I was about eleven that he started gardening for my family. He would come into the garden when nobody was home, cut the grass and things like that, but then he was starting bonfires where he was burning tyres and roofing felt. This continued for a couple of years, and he then started playing with my brother, which I found strange.
 We've never been able to get anything out of George about what the two of them got up to. That makes me wonder. Whenever we ask him what they used to do he goes all quiet and looks at his feet. That's not like George.

When I was thirteen he got a gun from somewhere, he used to walk around the garden when I was home alone with it. The other thing he'd do was knock on my window with it, if I didn't open the curtains he'd yell things like "I know you're in there, open the curtains or I'll start firing" I'm scared of guns. I have been for years, I don't really know why. He expected me to keep the curtains open all day, but I don't really like people watching me, I know at one point he used to stand in one of his upstairs rooms and take photographs of me or watch me through binoculars. It was at this point I decided I wanted black out curtains, but at this point my dad got cancer, and this pervert went away for a while.
Until one day, my dad needed driving 40km for a consultation, I was home alone, the door bell rang. I was in my pyjamas and didn't really want to answer it, but I did anyway. It was the paedophile, he wanted to come in and talk. I didn't know what to do so I let him in. I must have been fourteen, and he wanted me to sit on his lap, which was beyond scary. I refused, he said that I was a "naughty girl who needed a spanking" thank fuck my parents got home at that moment. It makes my skin crawl thinking what could have happened.

There were other times when George and I had a paddling pool in the garden, I was wearing a bikini and George was in swim trunks, and he was watching us, taking photos. It was scary so we went inside.

Eventually when I was fifteen my dad died, he stopped hanging around not long after the funeral, he used to talk to us, say hello and things, and sometimes he'd light a bonfire in our garden. Then one day when I was sixteen, the idiot I live near who insists on hitting his kids out in his garden until they scream and cry was pissing me off. I put my music on to drown it out, I could still hear it, I turned my music up, I couldn't hear anything other than Black Sabbath. I sat back, ate my sushi, and relaxed when suddenly, BOOM.

He hit one of my windows shut, then he hit another one shut, then he went to the last one and started shouting and screaming at me. I panicked, I dropped my sushi, which had a massive knife with it, I stood up, and I yelled something back. He reacted by tearing down my bedroom curtain, he then climbed in and started hitting my things and attempting to hit me with this wood plank he had. The worst thing is he was wearing gloves and didn't leave any prints, and because there were no witnesses the police wouldn't do anything about it. I was left traumatised for weeks and had to sleep in the living room until I got something done about my curtain. I was horrified when the police released him on bail and wouldn't let me press charges. It was at this point I started hoarding knives in my room.

I moved into a youth hostel after that, I couldn't stay here, but then I was so ill I had to come back, I was helping my mum burn some garden waste when I noticed someone watching us, he had his hands up to his face and there was a flash of light. He was photographing me in my garden again. I went in, we left the fire unattended to burn itself out. He also photographed me in the garden during the day when I was assembling a hutch. I phoned the police both times, they went and spoke to him, but it hasn't stopped. I now avoid going into the garden when he can see me.

There's been some strange things going on since March, he's been tapping on my window and waking me up, the way he used to, which I went to the police over, they wouldn't do anything though. This pushed me into sleeping with a loaded crossbow. I hate sleeping with a loaded crossbow, it's too easy to accidentally kill a member of my family, but the police leave me with no choice.

Recently I came back from a holiday. I'd been traveling since 11am and it was now midnight, my first thought was to go to bed, I was exhausted. I put on my pyjamas, turned off my light and then I froze. Someone was shining a light into my bedroom window. I made my way over to my wardrobe where I'd locked my crossbow, cocked it, grabbed a bolt, loaded it and took the safety off. As I approached the window the light turned and then went out, I flicked the safety back on, and ran through to the back room of the house, which has a big glass door. I couldn't see who it was, but it's obvious to me, I can't think of anyone else around here who'd want to watch me get changed. I called the non-emergency number for the police thinking I'd be asked to see an officer in a few days and make a statement, to my surprise they sent out a squad car and did a sweep of my garden. They didn't find anyone; but by this point it was 1am and all his house lights were on. It's not that hard to link the two up.

There has since been once more incidence of tapping on my window, but nothing major, I'm just waiting for him to try attacking me again, manslaughter isn't a very harsh sentence in this country.

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